Thursday, June 13, 2024

Introducing: The Bizcom Unit

[Mock Mimosas and donuts made the morning extra special]

On May 1st B’More Clubhouse unveiled a new work team called the BizCom Unit. It’s a combination of the Communication and Career Development units. Located upstairs, the BizCom Unit still does the work of the two previous units and will allow us to do much more. We’ve reorganized some furniture to create new work stations, like for the newsletter, reachout and TE development. We just have one planning meeting now, Monday mornings at 10:30am (which is subject to change). Probably the most visually exciting new thing is: we have a new flat screen TV! (which we use for work, of course).


Here’s what some B’More Colleagues have to say about the unit after the first month:

Eric says, “it’s an excellent place to get ideas and thoughts. Teamwork has made the place better, having ideas and putting everything together.” 
Flame said the unit work is “easier,” and there’s, “more access than before. Well put together, and the TV is helpful,” for collaborative work. 
Jason said this is “an exciting new development,” and he thinks the unit, “is more organized because of the different stations.” 
Mariana shared, “There’s more opportunity to collaborate together. The setup allows us all to work together and learn from each other.” Mariana also added that, “the organization of the space could use some work.” 

Michelle said it’s “more fun” now and she sees that we “work together as a team.” 
Lastly, Revan said it’s “effective,” and “boosts productivity.”

All B’More colleagues are invited to come check out the new BizCom unit, try some of the work, and tell us what you think!

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