For This month’s person spotlight we decided to change things up a little bit. This month will focus on some words of wisdom from three different Clubhouse colleagues.
1.What advice would you give someone who is looking for a job but struggles with that due to mental illness?
Raymond’s response: Even if your mind tells you to give up, You need to fight through.
Ceci’s response: Don’t give up! And ask for help.
Morgan’s response: Start small to build momentum.
2.In what ways do the different tasks of clubhouse prepare you for job readiness.
Raymond’s response: Mainly to be in meetings helps you prepare. Just showing up can show you’re ready to work. It helps you to build up confidence. Coming to job hour can also help.
Ceci’s response: It gives you a bunch of different skills. Which you can add to a resume. It teaches you to work with other people.
Morgan’s response: Clubhouse work is good for discovering your natural talent.
3.What advise would you give to your younger self?
Raymond’s response: There’s more opportunities out there for you than you think. Once you get working you will feel better, especially about yourself . It always feels better to do something than doing nothing.
Ceci’s response: Keep on trucking! Just kidding... If people ask me , “are you okay?” I usually say. “one day I will be.”
Morgan’s response: Don’t be so hard on yourself.
4.In what ways does stress tie in with making you more or less prepared for a job?
Raymond’s response: If you’re stressed you can’t focus , You’re jittery and jumpy. Can’t concentrate. It’s not impossible to work under stress but you have to work to get beyond that stress or anxiety.
Ceci’s response: Stress makes me double check things so that would make me feel more prepared for work.
Morgan’s response: Sense of urgency, but less . I’m not really myself when I’m stressed.
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