Friday, June 23, 2023

B'More Wellness Walks


    By Raymond Nichols and Mariana Torres

   We all know that exercise is good for you physically but did you know it’s just as good for you mentally. To get the benefits of exercise you don’t have to go to a gym, all you really need to do is walk. Walking just 15-30 minutes a day can lower your risks of depression, help with your sleep schedule, and create social opportunities which are also good for your mental health. Along with lowering your risk of depression, walking can also help lower your stress and anxiety.

    Here at B’More Clubhouse we understand the importance of walking as part of your daily routine. Walking can be great self care or it can be something you do with your friends. At B’More Clubhouse we like to go on “wellness walks” during our lunch hour as part of our commitment to both physical and mental wellness. Colleagues have reflected that wellness walks are nice because you have a chance to get outside during the work ordered day, as well as getting a chance to socialize with your colleagues outside of the working space.

    Sometimes we just walk around the block but sometimes we are walking with a goal in mind or a place to be. This past month quite a few colleagues walked over to the Enoch Pratt Free Library to sign up for the summer reading program to receive a free t-shirt and a free book. This was a great example of how walking can become an easy and fun part of your day, and it all still helps!

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