On July 6th, B’More Clubhouse had the honor of providing our space for The Mayor’s office’s press conference regarding the first round of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant awardees. Part of the reason why we were selected as the location for the press conference is because B’More Clubhouse was one of the first-round recipients of the ARPA funding. We received a $500,000 grant for the purpose of assisting individuals with mental illness maintain recovery and stability, and lessen their use of public behavioral health resources, especially emergency services.
It was remarkable to receive this funding! It will provide opportunities for B’More Clubhouse to grow our program and to continue providing essential services to our members.
Clubhouse colleagues were so excited for the press conference. We all worked hard to prepare our space, and many colleagues attended as well. We gathered some feedback from colleagues about their experiences:
Nikita: “I wasn’t able to attend the press conference in person, but I did watch it virtually, and it was a proud moment for me!”
Doug: “I liked how we set everything up for the press conference, especially the snack bar. It was well and clean, and I liked how everyone practiced how to greet the Mayor.”
Mary W: “I learned a lot and it was my first time at a press conference!”
Pete: “It was a good press conference but I couldn’t see anything because a plant was in my way!”
Cusa: “It was a wild experience. I really liked seeing it. It felt inspiring to watch.”
Mairi: “I thought it was a nice press conference. I felt like this is the best building to hold a press conference in.”
Francesca: “It was nerve-wracking to stand next to the Mayor at the press conference. I felt super awkward, but also honored to represent B’More Clubhouse. I hope everyone noticed my B’More Clubhouse t-shirt!”
Stay tuned for more updates about how B’More Clubhouse will utilize this funding to grow our program!
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